Adam Book – Text

Adam’s Midnight Flight to Heaven

by Brenda McCurdy

All scripture quotations in the endnotes are from the King James Version of the Bible.

God gave me this book supernaturally. I sat and typed it as I imagined it, almost like watching a movie in my mind. This book is intended as an exercise in imagination,i for ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren – an exercise in thinking on those things which are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, of virtue and of praiseii so that we can learn to use our imagination for good rather than eviliii for as we think, so we are.iv I urge you to read this book to your children or grandchildren at bedtime, encouraging them to “watch the movie” in their mind as you read. What an awesome inheritance awaits us! I have included footnotes to related scriptures and other items for your convenience. My prayer is that you each will come to love the King and Kingdom described in this book, and that He will receive all the glory. Halleluyah!

Adam ran to his daddy, gave him a big hug and a goodnight kiss, then he followed his momma to his bed and knelt beside her on the floor.
“Are you ready to say your prayers, Adam?” asked his momma.
“Yes, ma’am,” he replied, dutifully.
As he bowed his head and folded his hands, Adam recited the bedtime prayer his mother had taught him: “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to keep. And if I die before I wake, I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to take.”
Adam’s momma gave him a big hug and a kiss on the forehead as she tucked him into his bed. “Now you go to sleep, Adam, we’re going to the zoo tomorrow and you will want to be rested so you can enjoy the day.”
Adam closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, still thinking about the words of his prayer, “and if I die before I wake, I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to take.” What exactly did that mean anyway?
“It might be easier to show you than to tell you.”
Adam heard the words, and looked to see who was speaking. Standing in the middle of his room, there was a big manv dressed in a white shirt and pants. It was easy to see him, even in the darkness because he sort of glowed.
“Who are you?” Adam asked.
“I am Raphael, your guardian angel”, the big man replied. “I was assigned to watch over youvii even before you were born.”
Adam thought the man looked like some of the soldiersviii he had seen on TV, other than the white clothesix and strange glow.
As Adam watched wide eyed, Raphael put his fingers to his mouth and let out a shrill whistle. In moments, the walls of his room seemed to disappear and two white horsesx pulled a gold chariotxi in front of his bed. Raphael stepped into the chariot, looked at Adam and said, “Are you ready?”
Adam wasn’t sure if he was or not! The horses and chariot looked like they were on firexii, but when he stretched out his hand toward them, it didn’t feel hot. Adam had never been on a chariot before, but he had seen them in movies and thought they looked like fun. Cautiously, he climbed out of his bed and walked over to the back of the chariot. It still didn’t feel hot, so he took Raphael’s outstretched hand and stepped up into the back of the chariot. “Hold on!” Raphael grinned as he picked up the reins. The firey white horses reared, pawing the air, then with a giant leap they were in the dark night sky. Adam felt like he was in an elevator, but he gripped the chariot tightly, watching the stars coming toward him, faster and faster, until they looked like lines instead of dotsxiii.
Soon Adam saw an opening, like a doorxiv, ahead of them in the sky. It felt funny when they flew through the doorxv, but he looked at Raphael, and Raphael smiled, saying, “Now you will see…”
All of a sudden, the chariot stopped at the bottom of a long grassy hillxvi. Raphael took Adam’s hand and they stepped out of the chariot. Adam watched in amazement as the firey white horses pulled the golden chariot away and disappeared. When Adam began to look around he realized he had never seen a grassy hill like this one. The grass was so green it nearly hurt his eyes to look at it. And it was so soft under his bare feet! As Raphael led him up the long hill, Adam looked at the flowers growing all in the grass. He couldn’t take a step without stepping on beautiful little flowers – but it didn’t seem to hurt the flowers when he did step on them. They just sprang back up, even seeming to smile at him. Adam began to hear music – music like he had never heard before. The music made him feel like his heart was singing, too. Suddenly, he realized the flowers were singingxvii! Motion caught his eye and he looked up from the flowers to see trees dancing and clapping their handsxviii in time to the music! “Raphael!” Adam exclaimed, “The trees are dancing and the flowers are singing!”
“Yes, Adam”, Raphael replied, “Everything here praises the Creatorxix.”
Finally, Adam raised his eyes from the flowers and trees to look before him – only to be surprised again! A giant wallxx stretched as far as he could see on either side. The wall was varying shades of red, orange and brown. Below the wall he counted twelve layers of different colored stones. Layers of dark red stones, dark blue stones, light blue stones, dark green stones, pink stones, orange stones, blue-green stones, light green stones, clear blue stones, another layer of green stones, another layer of orange stones, then beautiful purple stones. Adam saw that each of the layers of colored stones had a different name carved in it – he read: “Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bart something, Thomas, Matthew, James, Lebbaeus, Simon, and Matthias.”
“Raphael, what are those names carved in the rocks?” Adam asked.
Looking at Adam, Raphael explained with a smile, “Those are the names of the faithful disciples of the Lamb.”
Adam still didn’t understand. “Who is the Lamb?”
Raphael grinning, said, “The One you were praying to when you said, ‘If I die before I wake, I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to take.’ You usually call Him Jesus, or Y’shua – He is the Lamb. Soon you will see for yourself, then you will know. He is the King of all Kings and He it is that has commanded me to bring you to Him.”
Adam had never met a real King before! He didn’t know whether to be excited or scared. He looked up and up, above the wall he could see a gold colored building rising higher than he could see. It reminded him a little of some of the castles he had seen in fairy tale books, but ever so much taller and wider. Why, even straining his eyes, he couldn’t see either side or the top of this golden building! The whole city was shiny and glowed with a soft lightxxi, just like Raphael glowed.
As he followed Raphael up the straight path to a gate in the city wall, Adam stared at the man guarding the gate. He looked a lot like Raphael, Adam decided, except his hair and eyes were darker. He was wearing glowing white clothes, too, but more like a robe than shirt and pants. Just before they passed through, Adam saw the name Naphtali carved above the gate. He was going to ask Raphael what that name meant, but the sight of the golden city left him speechless for a time. Raphael stopped while Adam stared with his mouth open. Raphael was also enjoying the sight and sounds of the city.
Here the music was stronger, it seemed to Adam that it even flowed through him. Adam forgot to ask about the name above the gate, as Raphael led him along a street of the city. Adam saw so many golden buildings, each one different, that he just couldn’t stop looking. It seemed he could even see through the walls of the buildings! Everywhere he looked were joyful, laughing, happy people dressed in glowing white robesxxii. Many smiled and waved at him.
When Adam nearly stumbled, he looked down and then jumped back! The street he was standing on was gold, too, but it looked like ginger ale to Adam – kind of clear and bubbly. Looking at it, he felt like he would fall through itxxiii! So many things here were so different from anything he had ever seen before! He soon got over the shock of walking on what looked like ginger ale, and began to look at the buildings and people again. Raphael continued to lead Adam down the street until they reached a gigantic door.
As they approached, the door was opened by two doorkeepers who smiled happilyxxiv at Adam. There was a bright lightxxv coming from inside the door – a light so bright it made everything else look dark by comparison. Raphael picked Adam up and sat him on his shoulder so he could see. There were many people inside this gigantic area. Everyone was singing and looking toward the bright light. Some people were dancing and others were waving branchesxxvi in their hands. Far away, where the light was the brightest, Adam saw what looked like a golden throne raised up with a green rainbow and seven firesxxvii around it. The bright light was coming from the One who sat on the throne! There were four strange looking creaturesxxviii around the throne. Even from so far away, Adam could see that they had six wings and different faces on each of four sides. Adam counted twenty-four small thrones spaced out in a circle around the high, lifted up throne. An ordinary looking man sat on each of the small thrones. Adam knew these men must be kings as each one wore a golden crown. He could hear the strange looking creatures singing to the One who sat on the high, lifted up throne, then he saw all the kingsxxix stand up at once, take the golden crowns from their heads and toss them under the high, lifted up throne, and bow down while they sang another song to the King of Kings who sat on the throne.
As Adam watched, he saw the bright Light rise and then come toward him. Raphael stood Adam on the floor and stepped behind him. Raphael assured Adam, “It’s okay – you will see!” The crowd of people parted before Adam, and he saw the bright Light coming closer and closer toward him. The Light was so bright, Adam couldn’t look directly at it for more than a second or two. As the Light got nearer, Adam begin to feel the most wonderful feeling he had ever felt. It was like when his parents hugged him and he knew they really loved him, but this was even stronger. It was like he was on the beach and the wavesxxx of the ocean were washing against him. Each wave was stronger love coming to Adam from the Light. As the Light reached Adam, suddenly he knew – this was Jesus! This was the Lord that he said his prayers to! This was the one Raphael was telling him about! Adam fell down, unable to stand while feeling the full force of the Love coming from Jesus.
Oh, so tenderly, Jesus reached down and picked Adam up from the floor. Adam wasn’t a baby, but he really liked it when Jesus held him! Adam could feel Love from Jesus like nothing he had ever felt before. It was wonderful! Jesus lifted Adam’s chin and looked him full in the face. “I love you, Adam!” He said.
Adam’s chin quivered as he replied, “I love you, too, Jesus!” and he meant it with all of his little boy heart!
Jesus tenderly asked Adam, “Now do you know what your prayer means when you ask Me to take your soul, if you die before you wake? It means that you are asking Me to bring you here to live with Me in My city when your job on earth is done. It is my good pleasure, Adam, to bring you back here one day. I love you more than you will ever know!”
Adam wrapped his little arms around Jesus’ neck and fell fast asleep, fully trusting that Jesus would take care of him, just as He promisedxxxi.
When Adam opened his eyes again, he was in his own bed, in his own home, and the sunlight was coming through the window. “Wake up, sleepyhead!” Adam’s mom said as she popped her head through his door.
Adam laid in bed a few minutes, still feeling the Love of Jesus. Was it a dream, he wondered, or was it real? Either way, he knew that Jesus really did love him!xxxiixxxiii

The Communion Box

From for December 2, 2022

Note from brendamc:. I felt this post was so important for our present time that I wanted to save it and share it. I believe we are living the book of Revelation right now, and what does Revelation say but “They overcame him (the enemy) by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives until the death.” From:

Hit the Mark

(I will be leading us in Communion at the end of today’s post. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice (or wine) and bread ready so you can join me.)

On January 2 of this year, my friend Greg Hood was given a dream which I have visited often throughout the year. In this dream, the Ekklesia and the kingdom of darkness were contending for America; this was pictured by a baseball World Series, called the World Seers Series. It was the last game of the series, the eighth inning, and we were winning by a score of 20-22.

I and others felt that the 4 batters we sent to the plate in this inning represented prayer assignments for the 4 quarters of 2022. For those of you who would like to see the entire dream and my comments regarding it, you can use the following links (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4,). Today, however, I want to talk about the batter/assignment for the fourth quarter of this year, which we are obviously now in. The assignment for this quarter was to remove the voice (influence and control) of Baal, the ruling principality over America. We did so by hitting the baseball into his throat, with a bat taken from a box marked “Communion,” and engraved with “Ephesians 1:17,” a verse referencing “the spirit of wisdom and revelation.” In the dream, it was said to this fourth batter, “If you hit the mark it will change this game.” “Hit the mark” is one of the definitions of the Hebrew word for intercession (paga). If we do and pray as we are instructed, we will change this nation!

I have known since 2007 that this spirit was “the strong man” (Matthew 12:29) over America. Demons and angels do not have physical bodies and, therefore, do not die. The same spirits that operated in ancient history are still alive and active today. Baal was a principality mentioned often in the Bible, who was frequently used by satan to oppose Israel. His influence produced violence, blood sacrifices and great immorality, including all forms of sexual sin. He is no doubt the spirit behind abortion, adultery, homosexuality, pornography and the blatant attempt to defile our children with sexual perversion. The sudden escalation of activity in our nation to promote abortion and sexual perversion – even to small children – is no doubt due to this spirit’s desperate attempt to remain in control.

My purpose in this post is to focus on the method God gave us in the dream with which to end Baal’s control over America. And I will be doing several more posts between now and the end of the year on this subject.

It is beyond significant that the baseball bat used to remove Baal’s voice was taken from a box stamped “Communion.” This is all important. Spiritual forces of darkness are not defeated through human powers and weapons. They are overcome only with spiritual authority that flows from Christ and His finished work. The Lord’s Table, Communion, pictures this. To war with Communion is not warring with a ritual or tradition. First Corinthians 11:26 tells us, “For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.”

Proclaiming Christ’s death is proclaiming His victory, for it was through His shed blood that He conquered death. Proclaiming His death is declaring the power of the New Covenant. Proclaiming Christ’s death is declaring He defeated all principalities and powers and reclaimed Adam’s lost authority over the earth. Proclaiming His death is declaring His ownership of earth and all the nations there in.

All spiritual warfare must be an enforcing of Christ’s victory. It should be done from a position of accomplished victory, seated with Him spiritually in His seat of authority. The sacrament of Communion pictures and reminds us of this. It declares that we are free from sin through the shed blood of Christ. It declares that we are more than conquerors through Him and Holy Spirit, the greater One, living in us. It decrees that all principalities and powers are under our feet. To swing the Communion “bat” is to swing Christ’s redemption, covenant, victory, authority and dominion.

“Ephesians 1:17” engraved on the bat obviously refers to wisdom and revelation. I believe the specific revelation it refers to is the above mentioned victory of Christ. The more we talk about, meditate on, declare and proclaim Christ’s victory and the covenant we have with God through Him, the greater this revelation will become. This increased revelation will then produce greater faith and lead to greater authority.

I am going to partake of and lead in communion on many of the posts for the remainder of this year. We are going to swing the bat frequently and with great power. This will do what God said it will do: proclaim and release the victory of Jesus, removing the voice of Baal in our land.

Pray with me (Communion):

Father, we take this bread now and hold it up before You as a remembrance of Christ’s broken body. Through this sacrifice He took our suffering and purchased our health. We proclaim His death, burial, resurrection, and victory over all of hell. As we partake of it now we are releasing this victory over every principality and spirit of darkness in this nation.

And we hold the cup up before You, as well. It represents the blood of Jesus sprinkled on the Mercy Seat of heaven. It represents our covenant with You. It represents victory over death, hell, and the grave. As we partake of it today, we are swinging the bat and driving the “baseball” of victory into the neck of Baal. We declare that the blood of Jesus is greater than all of our sin. We declare that His redemption is coming to America to free us from the influence of this evil spirit. Our faith is not in our good works, wise strategies, individuals or organizations. Our faith is in Christ alone. Of Him, through Him, and to Him are all things. Amen.

Our decree:

We decree that the power of Christ’s redemption is our victory over all evil in America.

Baseball Dream???

I’m not a big fan of baseball, and I can’t remember ever having a dream about baseball in my life. Its not that I dislike baseball, it’s just not my passion.

Have you ever woke up in the morning with just the tail end of a dream still in your thoughts? That’s what happened to me this morning. The dream was something about a computer program to analyze the success of different plays by the Red Sox. I remember there were two folders on my desktop screen.

That’s not much right? But as I began to think and pray into it, I realized that if you take Red for the blood of Jesus and Sox in remembrance of the verse in Ephesians about being shod with the gospel of peace then the Red Sox could represent the Ecclesia.

As the Ecclesia, if we analyze the most successful plays in the last 50 years, I think the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola Florida would be at or close to the top of the list.

I recently came across a YouTube video of live footage from the Brownsville Revival praise and worship. It is so amazing and still carries so much anointing! The whole auditorium is packed, everyone is on their feet, dancing and singing and many hands in the air. It’s very obvious this is not for show, they are ministering to the Lord, and enjoying every minute of it.

If you haven’t been following along with Dutch Sheets in Give Him 15, I encourage you to do so. You will not understand the significance of this dream without that background. Suffice it to say that we are in a very critical time in the history of our nation. Prayer with praise and worship is so essential right now. We have to drop what we’re doing and focus on prayer and worship!

Pray in the Spirit while you do the dishes and the housework. Sing and dance while you carry out the trash. Minister to the Lord and entreat Him to save our beloved America! Whatever you have to do, work it into your day. Fast, pray, sing, praise, worship! It’s the last inning and the bases are loaded – we need a home run!

Are We Living the Book of Revelation?

This article is an ongoing effort to show a few items that may lend credence to the theory that we are now living the book of Revelation. I intend to update this page as I learn more and have time. I invite you to post correlations that you may be aware of in the comments below. Jesus said to “watch and pray”. I think this means that we need to watch current events and pray that God will reveal to us when those events are fulfilling Biblical prophecy.

And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

Revelation 6:1-2
  • The modern terms “toxic” and “toxin” derive from the ancient Greek word for “bow“, toxon per
  • The name “coronavirus” is derived from Latin corona, meaning “crown” per
  • The color white could be associated with hospitals and medical personnel etc.
  • The corona virus, despite its very low death rate, has been used as the excuse for pushing the absolutely toxic mRNA injection.
  • The corona virus “pandemic” has been used as the excuse for governments taking the rights of the people through medical mandates.

And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

Revelation 6:3-4

And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

Revelation 6:5-6
  • A penny represented a day’s wages for one man– enough for one meal of wheat bread, or three meals of barley.

And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Revelation 6:7-8

And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

Revelation 6:9-11

And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood

Revelation 6:12

The Portal

Yesterday morning I got up early to pray. I have a few prayers I have written posted here on this site. As I was praying “Paul’s Four Prayers” I felt that God gave me a fresh revelation regarding

For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness; Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: (Col 1:9-14)

so I said out loud what I felt God was showing me, “We live and move and breathe in the Kingdom of God’s dear Son – we are not bound by the limitations of this physical world, but we are overcomers operating in the spirit realm.

It was so good I just had to share it with someone, so I called my friend Belinda and read her the passage in “Paul’s Four Prayers” and shared what I felt that God had been revealing to me about this passage.

I told her that I imagine a large red circle in front of me as I am standing and praying this part – that the red circle represents the blood of Yahshua (Jesus), which gives us redemption and forgiveness of sins, and as I step through this imaginary red circle that I am being “translated into the Kingdom of His dear Son” where I live and move and have my being and am not bound by the limitations of this physical world.

I explained that I used to always hike around the ranch looking for caves, but one day as I was hiking and looking for caves while praying it hit me that caves are dark and dirty, so I said, “LORD, I don’t want a cave, I want a portal!”

I knew I had found the portal God has provided for us – the blood of Yahshua (Jesus) is our portal! Through the power of His blood we are translated into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son! Through the redemption and forgiveness of sins only made possible by the blood Yahshua shed on that cross 2000 years ago for us!

After I ended the call with Belinda, I finished praying some other written prayers then pulled up “The Book of Mysteries” by Jonathan Cahn, as I usually read it after my prayers. I nearly fell off my chair when I saw the name of my next daily portion – “The Portal”. I knew that was confirmation from God that somehow we were on the right track. Of course, I had to call Belinda and tell her about that, too!

Then I was reminded of years ago when I was at a big camp out for the Feast of Tabernacles. I was sitting with Thurston McCutchen, Clay Mitchell and Eric Blanchard (the “three musketeers”) having an interesting discussion about other dimensions. Eric is a scientist with a lot of electric/magnetic knowledge. Clay told us of a dream that he had, where it seemed like we were in the time of the tribulation and people were chasing us. He said that we had these circles and squares that we would throw on the wall or on the ground and then jump through them into another dimension and the people chasing us couldn’t follow. He said we threw the circles on the wall and the squares were thrown on the ground. Eric was very surprised at Clay’s dream and indicated that it was correct from a dimensional perspective.

There’s only one way to have access to this portal – sincerely ask Yahshua (Jesus) to forgive you of your sins and save you. He has already paid the penalty for your sins, all you have to do is ask Him to forgive you. It’s a simple thing to do, but it changes your life forever!

Here’s hoping I see you on the other side of the portal!

Colorado Carpentry Project

My daughter is a hair color artist in Colorado (Hair By Cody Rae). Before Covid, she was working in a salon with a number of other stylists. Covid changed everything – when the governor allowed salons to open again there were limits on people per square feet, so she ended up moving to a small one room unit that she called the dungeon because it did not have a window. Recently she had an opportunity to move to a new salon suite with several windows, so she called me and asked if I would come to Colorado and help her equip the room with shelves, cabinets, etc. Of course, Mom had to go! Good excuse for a visit, don’t you think? So, below are a few pictures of our progress in the new room.

Cody’s Miracle

We were working cattle at our family ranch near Crystal City, Texas. When we worked cattle, it was an “all hands on deck” type of situation, because it was mostly a shoestring operation, meaning we didn’t have money to hire hands. So, it was my Dad, my brother Tony, my son Jess, my daughter Cody and myself. My 13 year old daughter Cody was working the cutting chute that day while the rest of us were pushing the cattle through the working chute. The object of the game was to separate the calves that were old enough to go to the livestock sale from the rest of the cattle. Cody was laying face down on her stomach on a platform about eight feet in the air. She was watching the cattle come down the chute below and in front of her, so that she could swing the cutting chute gate to the left for the big calves or to the right for the cows and smaller calves. Directly underneath Cody was a concrete slab that was very rocky and uneven. Things were going along pretty well that day until this cow with ear tag # 23 came along. If it’s any indication, we called her “Ole Loco”. I don’t know if maybe her calf was already in the pen on the right, or if she was just being her usual loco (crazy) self, but when Cody moved the chute gate to the right so she would go into the pen on the left with the rest of the cows, she stuck her head behind the cutting chute gate and pushed her way into the pen on the right side. She was so big and strong that when she did that, she actually moved the post on the right side of the chute that supported the platform where Cody was lying. She moved it so much that the platform support broke loose and the platform fell down on the end where Cody’s head was. Cody fell too. She fell from about eight feet in the air, head first and landed on the back of her neck right on that rocky, rough concrete! I was afraid at first it had killed her. We all gathered around Cody. She was unconscious for a few minutes and when she came to, she was delirious. She was talking but her words made no sense at all. Dad ran and pulled his white double cab pickup as close to where Cody was lying as he could, then they loaded Cody into the back seat with her head in my lap. While Jess and Tony stayed to finish working the cattle, Dad drove Cody and I to the hospital in Carrizo Springs. Even though I know he drove as fast as he could over those roads, the trip seemed to take forever. Cody kept talking deliriously, but I held her hand with one hand and put my other hand on her forehead and prayed in the Spirit for her all the way to the hospital emergency room. She was transferred to a gurney and then wheeled inside from the emergency room entrance. They began to evaluate her and then took her for x-rays and maybe a CT Scan. Coincidentally, (I don’t believe in coincidences!) my mother was working as a registered nurse at the Dimmit County Hospital that day, and she came to meet us in the emergency room just minutes after we got there. Now, my mom was a real prayer warrior (and I’m sure she still is) and I know she and Dad and Jess and Tony were all lifting up prayers for Cody that day. I knew that blackouts and delirium were both signs of concussion, but we all just kept praying. After what seemed like hours but may not have been that long, they brought Cody back out. The doctor explained that they had checked her over extensively but found NO sign of concussion and no broken bones or internal injuries. The doctor put a neck brace on her before discharging her, just to be on the safe side he said. I thank the good LORD for answering our prayers that day and that He healed my daugher from any and all injuries from falling eight feet, head first and landing on the back of her neck on rough, rocky concrete. Yes, our God does still work miracles!

[KJVA] Psalms 103:2 
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:

[KJVA] Psalms 111:4 
He hath made his wonderful works to be remembered: the Lord is gracious and full of compassion.

Prayer for Q

There is a battle raging beneath our feet…

II Chronicles 7:14

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. [AKJV]

Abba, we pray Your protection, guidance, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, discernment, discretion and blessing on President Trump, Vice-President Pence and each and every one working for righteousness and justice in America and throughout the world. Abba, we pray for freedom for the captives, for healing in the hearts, minds and bodies of those who have been captives, and those working to free the captives. Abba, we pray the captors come to repentance and salvation before they meet You face to face. Abba, we plead the precious Blood of Yahshua over America and the world, and remit all the sins that have taken place on our watch and in times past. Abba, we ask your forgiveness for all of our sins, sins we have committed as well as sins of omission, things that we didn’t do and should have. We ask Your forgiveness for allowing our countries and world to become filled with wickedness because we were too busy to see or care what was happening. Abba, please continue to reveal the truth, open our eyes to see, our hearts to care, and help us to take action to stop the wickedness. Abba, we ask that You purge our countries of evil, and turn our hearts to You! Abba, we ask Your mercy on ourselves and all of our loved ones, but especially the children, Abba!

Don’t know what is going on? Start here with “The Plan to Save the World” created by Joe M, also known as @StormIsUponUs…

Updates on progress of the plan are posted by various patriots on Twitter, YouTube (often censored), BitChute and probably your favorite social media, too. Some of my favorite posts are from @X22Report, @IPOT1776, @Qanon76, @StormIsUponUs

Take the red pill and learn more here:

A Now Word

[20] Come, my people, enter you into your chambers, and shut your doors about you: hide yourself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be over. [21] For, behold, the LORD comes out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.
(Isaiah 26:20 -21) [AKJV]

I woke up in the middle of the night, unable to go back to sleep. The verse above has been on my mind for several days, ever since President Trump asked us to stay home, but I couldn’t remember where it was or exactly how it went. When I couldn’t go back to sleep, I prayed and asked God to show me where the verse was because it seems so appropriate for this time. God answered my prayer – I found the verse and it goes along perfectly with this video from Perry Stone:

Let us continue to humble ourselves and pray, seeking His face and turning from our wicked ways so that God will hear our prayers, forgive our sins and heal our land!

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (II Chronicles 7:14 [AKJV])

Today is the third day of the global Esther Fast called by Lou Engle:

Let’s humble ourselves and take a stand against the Coronavirus!
Dear Friends,
To take a stand against the destructive spread of the Coronavirus, we are calling the global Church to a three-day Esther Fast, March 18th – March 20th, to humble ourselves, confess our sins and the sins of our nation (Joel 2), and cry out to God for mercy. Then, on the third day, as when Esther went before the king, let us gather together in small or large groups and stand as the Ekklesia before the King of Glory! Let us stretch out His rod of authority out of Zion and rebuke the Coronavirus in united corporate agreement, believing in faith that the storm will abate, stadiums will be filled, and 2020 will go down as the year of the historic advance of evangelism and missions worldwide. Would you join us for this three-day Esther Fast, March 18th – March 20th?!

CoronaVirus Response – Fast and Pray!

President Trump has declared Sunday, March 15 a National Day of Prayer.

The president tweeted on Friday night, saying:

“It is my great honor to declare Sunday, March 15th as a National Day of Prayer. We are a Country that, throughout our history, has looked to God for protection and strength in times like these…. ….No matter where you may be, I encourage you to turn towards prayer in an act of faith. Together, we will easily PREVAIL!”

Also, Lou Engle is calling us to take a stand against the destructive spread of the Coronavirus, by calling the global Church to a three-day Esther Fast, March 18th – March 20th, to humble ourselves, confess our sins and the sins of our nation (Joel 2), and cry out to God for mercy.

For those who can join, there will be a One Voice Prayer Call at 7PM Central Time on Sunday, March 15th.

Do your part – I’m sure that there are many other opportunites to fast and pray with groups from local to national.

Father God, in the Name of Your precious Son Jesus we come before You, humbling ourselves in prayer, seeking Your face and turning from our wicked ways, asking that You would hear our prayers, forgive our sins and heal us and our lands! Oh, Father, please bring revival to America and the World!

Prayer Against Chemtrail Effects


Thank You, Abba, that Yahshua was manifested to destroy the works of the devil,i and we can recognize the works of the devil because we know that he comes to steal, kill and destroy.ii Thank You, Abba, that Yahshua has chosen me and ordained me,iii and because I believe on Yahshua, I do the works that Yahshua did,iv destroying the works of the devil. I thank You, Abba, that Yahshua instructed me to make requests of You in His name, that You may grant my requests.v

Therefore, Abba, in the Name of Yahshua, I pray that You would grant this request: That the attacks against Your people being perpetrated through dissemination of metallic salts, filaments, and engineered biologicals in the atmosphere would be rendered totally ineffective against Your people, that Your people would put on Your whole armor to be able to stand against the wiles of the devil,vi that the hexagons and fibers would be rendered inoperable and totally ineffective against Your people, as Your Word says that nothing shall by any means harm us.vii

Thank You, Abba, that Yahshua has given us authority over all the powers of the enemy, viii therefore, I decree, declare and command that the composition of the atmosphere, the soil and the water return to that of the original creation, that any and all DNA perverted through the use of nanotechnology and/or genetic engineering would revert to compliance with the original creation design, and that engineered biologicals not in compliance with the original creation design would be totally destroyed, that the will of the Father be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.

(See for details of attack.)

i He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. (1Jn 3:8)

ii The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (Joh 10:10)

iii Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. (Joh 15:16)

iv Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. (Joh 14:12)

v I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. (Joh 15:5-16)

vi Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. (Eph 6:11)

vii Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luk 10:19)

viii Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luk 10:19)

Jess’ Miracle

My son, Jesse Jerome Baxter, was born six weeks premature, so he had a struggle from day one. The doctor said he had been unsure whether Jess would make it through that first night because his lungs were not fully developed. However, through prayer and the diligence of the doctors and nurses, Jess did make it through those first few days. He looked so cute with his little “party hat” which was really a dixie cup that had been taped over the IV in his head to keep him from dislodging it. I was driving back and forth from home everyday to breastfeed, because the doctor felt Jess was still too small to be taken home. Our goal was 5 pounds – up a half pound from his birth weight of 4 pounds 8 ounces – the doctor had said then I could take him home.

One day when I came in to breastfeed, the nurse told me that the doctor had asked me to come by his office. When I did, the doctor informed me that there was a problem – the bones in Jess’ skull were grown together at the top of his head. He explained how the bones should have a little space between them that would allow Jess’ head to expand as he grew. I remember he said that you could even feel the ridge on the top of his head where the bones were fused together. I don’t remember much else of what he said, I was too upset after talk of brain damage, retardation and other possible effects of the bones having grown together. After leaving the doctor’s office in a daze I went back to see Jess again and felt the top of his head. Yes, it was just as the doctor had said – I could feel the ridge along the top of his head.

Distraught and crying, I called my mother and tried to explain the situation to her through my tears. My mother was a strong believer in the God of the Bible, a real prayer warrior that had prayed me through some challenging times already. She cried too at the news, but promised to ask the churches in our small Texas town to pray for Jess. Still crying, I found a place alone and prayed to the God that I had asked to save me at Vacation Bible School when I was nine years old. There had been a lot of rebellion in my life since I was nine years old, both against my parents and against God. In my teen years I thought God didn’t want me to have any fun, so I pretty much turned my back on Him to party through my high school and college years. This situation with my new baby boy was a real wakeup call though, so I asked God to forgive me for my rebellion against Him and promised that if He would take care of Jess that I would straighten up and fly right.

Jess was transported from the small hospital in Kerrville, Texas to St. Jude Children’s Hospital in San Antonio that same day while I rode in the ambulance with him. Mom arrived soon after we did and we all settled into the small hospital room for the night. The female doctor in charge of Jess said that they would start tests on Jess the next morning. Hospitals being what they are, no one slept much that night but nurses arrived early to take Jess off for the battery of tests they had scheduled for the day. I remember at one point, Mom changing Jess’ little preemie diaper which came all the way up to his armpits. For some unknown reason, Jess picked just that time of open air on his bottom to have an explosive bowel movement. Luckily, Mom was wearing a yellow and green multicolored top so no one else ever knew she had to clean baby poo off of it! Jess was so small that when his head was in the crook of my elbow his little feet fit neatly into the palm of my hand. He was just about the size of a football. Mom and I cried, prayed and visited while Jess was in for the tests, knowing that people back home were praying too.

When the doctor came by the room late that evening, she told us that they had completed the tests that they had scheduled for Jess, and they hadn’t been able to find anything wrong! “In fact”, she said, “if you feel the top of his head, you can feel the space between the bones.” I picked Jess up, cradling him in my arm while I felt the top of his head. Just as she said, I could feel the gap between the bones in the top of his little head. I’m not sure exactly when it happened, but sometime between when I felt the top of his head at the hospital at Kerrville and when I felt it again in San Antonio, God worked a miracle!

Jess was discharged from the hospital with a clean bill of health and I took him home. I praise the LORD that He healed my baby boy who is now a grown man with a wife and children of his own. Never discount the power of prayer! Thank you to all those who prayed for Jess – you know who you are!

Life Changing Quotations

There are two quotations that I have come across during my life that have been truly life changing.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

– Edmund Burke

“If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”

– Unknown

These two quotes, taken together, have often spurred me to go the extra mile, to step out, to do a little more, to stand up in the face of opposition. I determined early on to make sure that there would be plenty of evidence to convict me should I ever be accused of being a Christian.

The first quotation I heard more as “evil flourishes when good men do nothing”. Either way, it calls us to action against evil.

From a legal standpoint, assent is the presumption of agreement based on inaction. In other words, if you don’t protest your silence indicates your agreement.

So, you could look on this post as a call to action – to stand up, to vote, to protest those actions that encroach on our God given rights, justice and righteousness – and I’m speaking to myself as much as anyone else that happens to read this.

“America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”

Alexis de Tocqueville

Prayer to End Human Trafficking

Abba, thank You that President Trump has proclaimed January 2020 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.

In accord with Isaiah 49:25 “But thus saith the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children.” Abba, in the Name of Yahshua, I pray that You would strip off the cloak of darkness hiding any and all forms of human trafficking, that instances of and people involved in human trafficking would be highlighted in our eyes and that we might take appropriate action to end human trafficking in America and throughout the world.

Unplanned Movie coming to Uvalde!!!

The "Unplanned" movie is coming to Forum Six Theater in Uvalde, Texas!

HalleluYah! I’m so excited!  The “Unplanned” movie is coming to Uvalde!

“If you only watch one movie in theaters this year, watch this one….”

Purchase tickets directly from Forum Six Theater in Uvalde here:

Forum Six Theater in Uvalde, Texas showing the movie "Unplanned".

This movie could change your life or the life of a loved one!  Let’s show our thanks to the Forum Six Theater in Uvalde for playing this movie.  It will be here for a whole week, so go see it, take friends and family, give tickets away!  Ask your church to announce that its playing here starting March 29th!

Share it on FaceBook, Instagram, SnapChat, all you favorite social media and let’s help everyone see this life changing movie about love, forgiveness and redemption!

Other purchase options include:

By supporting this movie, you are supporting LIFE and also, encouraging our local theater to show Christian movies!

Paul’s Four Prayers

Paul’s Four Prayers

Abba, Father of our Lord Jesus, I thank You for all my family and friends, and I ask that You give us each the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus: that the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened; that we may know the hope of His calling, the riches of the glory of His inheritance in us, the exceeding greatness of His power to us who believe, according to the working of Your mighty power, which You wrought in Christ, when You raised Him from the dead, and set Him at Your own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: And hath put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be the head over all things to the church.i

And this I pray, that our love may abound more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; that we may approve things that are excellent; that we may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ; that we may be filled with the fruits of righteousness, by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God. ii

For this cause we also ask, Abba, that we might be filled with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that we might walk worthy of You, being pleasing in Your sight, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of You, that we might be strengthened with all might, according to Your glorious power, to all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness, giving thanks to You, Who have made us partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of Your dear Son, through Whose blood we have redemption and forgiveness of sins.iii

Abba, I ask that You grant us, according to the riches of Your glory, to be strengthened with might by Your Holy Spirit in our inner man; that Christ may dwell in our hearts by faith, and that we, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to aspire with all saints toward the breadth, and length, and depth, and height of the love of Christ, which is beyond knowledge, that we might be filled with Your Spirit. Now all praise be to You, Abba, Who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, unto You be all glory in the church through Christ Jesus in this time, and in all eternity.iv

i Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, (Eph 1:16-22)

ii And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ; Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God. (Php 1:9-11)

iii For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness; Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: (Col 1:9-14)

iv That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. (Eph 3:16-21)

Top of the Morning Prayer

Prayer for Time, Organization and Prosperity

(TOP of the Morning Prayer)

Yahweh, You appear to me, visit me, and see what is done to me.1 You speak to me face to face, as a friend.2 I love You, obey Your voice, and cleave to You, for You are my Life and the length of my days. I dwell in the land while wisdom, understanding, peace, riches and honour are added to me.3 You order my steps and delight in my way.4 Abba, just as a child imitates his father, I imitate You, declaring Truth from Your Word, knowing that Your Word will not return void, but will be made manifest, and accomplish that which You please.5 Abba, thank You for filling me with Your Spirit in all wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and workmanship.6 You have made an everlasting covenant with me, ordered in all things and I set my house in order, doing all things decently and in order.7 I order my cause and know I shall be justified.8 I pray, Abba, that You would clothe every member of my family, my friends and my loved ones, with Your whole armour.9 I thank You, Abba, that no weapon formed against us shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against us in judgment we condemn, knowing that this is the heritage of the servants of Yahweh, and You have proclaimed that our righteousness is of You!10 I pray confusion upon the enemy and all his communications.11 I thank You that we have perfect peace because our minds are stayed on You and we trust in You.12 I thank You that all things work together for our good, because we love You and are called according to Your purpose.13 Thank You, Abba, that even our enemies make friends with us when we please You!14 Thank You, Abba, that You cause our enemies that rise up against us to be smitten before our faces: that they come out against us one way, and flee before us seven ways.15 Thank You, Abba, that as we submit ourselves to You, we resist the devil, and he flees from us!16 Thank You, Yahweh, that Your blessing is on us, because we fear You.17 We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and we prosper because we love her.18 We bless the children of Abraham and are blessed in return.19 We have cast the beam out of our own eyes and we see clearly.20

I thank You, Abba, the God of Israel, that You are blessing us indeed and enlarging our boundaries, that Your hand is with us, keeping us from evil.21 Thank You, Abba, that You make us plenteous in every work of our hands, in the fruit of our bodies, in the fruit of our livestock, in the fruit of our land, for good, and that You rejoice over us, as You rejoiced over our fathers.22 Thank You, Abba, that You give that which is good to us and our lands yield their increase. 23 Thank You, Abba, that You cause us to bring up our children in the nuture and admonition of You, to lodge strangers, to wash the feet of the saints, to relieve the afflicted, and to diligently follow every good work.24 In accord with Your Word, Abba, we love our enemies, and we bless those that curse us, we do good to them that hate us, and pray for those who despitefully use us and persecute us.25

I declare the decree26, in the name of Yahshua27, that You, Abba, perfect that which concerns us28, that You pour the water of Your Word upon us because we are thirsty for You, that You pour floods upon the dry ground, that You pour Your spirit upon our seed, and Your blessing upon our offspring29, that they spring up as among the grass, as willows by the water courses30, that we don’t fear for You are with us, that You gather our seed to You from the north, south, east and west, and call them Your own, that we are called by Your name and You have formed, made and created us for Your glory31; that You take away even the captives of the mighty and deliver the prey of the terrible for You contend with him that contends with us, and You save our children32, that You punish the wicked but deliver the seed of the righteous33, that You teach our children and great is the peace of our children34, that You pour out of Your Spirit upon all flesh: that our sons and our daughters prophesy, our young men see visions, and our old men dream dreams35. HalleluYah!

Thank You, Abba, that You have made us labourers together with You, that we are Your Husbandry and Your building.36 Abba, I pray that You would send others to labour with us in Your great harvest, sowing and reaping, that we might gather fruit unto life eternal and rejoice together.37 Abba, please help us to be faithful disciples of Yahshua, glorifying You and bearing much fruit, abiding as branches in Yahshua, our vine, and having Him abide in us.38 Thank You that You make our yoke easy and our burden light, that Your presence goes with us giving us rest and peace while You fight for us.39 Yahweh, Maker of heaven and earth, thank You for keeping us continually from all evil as we come and go, from this time forth and for evermore.40 HalleluYah!

Oh, Abba, please have mercy on your people in Texas and North America and the World, for we Your chosen ask to stand in the breach for them, as Moses Your chosen stood before You in the breach, to turn away Your wrath, that You did not destroy the children of Israel. 41

Oh, Yahweh, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Please give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses and help us to forgive those who trespass against us. Please lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory.42 HalleluYah!

In the Name of Yahshua, I forgive everyone who has sinned against me. 43 In the Name of Yahshua,44 I destroy all the works and designs of the devil45 in my life, the lives of my family and the lives of my friends, all the way down to the pit of hell.46 In the Name of Yahshua, I release the captives47 and shine light upon those in darkness and establish us in heavenly places in Yahshua.48

I pray for Your persecuted people throughout the world, that those witnessing the suffering see that Yahshua is real, I pray that food be multiplied and taste good, I pray that clothing be supplemented and provide warmth, I pray that beatings and torture not weaken but strengthen faith, I pray that the enemy not overcome, but that captors have mercy, be convicted of sin, and come to salvation. I pray that Your people and their families not despair nor be discouraged nor ashamed, but that the prisons are centers of revival, that gospel meetings are invisible to the enemy but that Your people, and those who will come to You, are drawn to the meetings. I pray that You send Your Sweet Holy Spirit to comfort and strengthen Your people, and that You send angels to minister to needs. I pray that You multiply the availability of Your Word in all those places in the world where it is scarce and that Your people treasure it and learn to use it as the Sword against the enemy. I pray that we all appropriate the Victory that Yahshua won and turn our towns, cities, counties, states, regions and countries to You!49

1 EXODUS 3:16 Go, and gather the elders of Israel together, and say unto them, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, appeared unto me, saying, I have surely visited you, and [seen] that which is done to you in Egypt:

2 EXODUS 33:11 And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend.

3 DEUTERONOMY 30:20 That thou mayest love the LORD thy God, [and] that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto him: for he [is] thy life, and the length of thy days: that thou mayest dwell in the land which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them. JOB 12:12 With the ancient [is] wisdom; and in length of days understanding. PSALMS 21:4 He asked life of thee, [and] thou gavest [it] him, [even] length of days for ever and ever. PROVERBS 3:2 For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee. PROVERBS 3:16 Length of days [is] in her right hand; [and] in her left hand riches and honour.

4 PSALMS 37:23 The steps of a [good] man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.

5 1 JOHN 2:6 He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked. ISAIAH 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times [the things] that are not [yet] done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: ISAIAH 55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper [in the thing] whereto I sent it. 2TIMOTHY 1:10 But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel:

6 EXODUS 35:31 And he hath filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship;

7 2SAMUEL 23:5 Although my house [be] not so with God; yet he hath made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all [things], and sure: for [this is] all my salvation, and all [my] desire, although he make [it] not to grow. ISAIAH 38:1 In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto him, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order: for thou shalt die, and not live. 1CORINTHIANS 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order.

8 JOB 13:18 Behold now, I have ordered [my] cause; I know that I shall be justified.

9 Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

10 ISAIAH 54:17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue [that] shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This [is] the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness [is] of me, saith the LORD.

11 Psa 35:4 Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt. Psa 35:26 Let them be ashamed and brought to confusion together that rejoice at mine hurt: let them be clothed with shame and dishonour that magnify themselves against me.

12 ISAIAH 26:3 Thou wilt keep [him] in perfect peace, [whose] mind [is] stayed [on thee]: because he trusteth in thee.

13 ROMANS 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.

14 Proverbes 16:7 When we please the LORD, even our enemies make friends with us.

15 Deu 28:7 The LORD shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways.

16 Jas 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

17 PSALMS 115:13 He will bless them that fear the LORD, [both] small and great.

18 PSALMS 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.

19 GENESIS 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. GALATIANS 3:7 Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.

20 MATTHEW 7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

21 1CHRONICLES 4:10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep [me] from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.

22 DEUTERONOMY 30:9 And the LORD thy God will make thee plenteous in every work of thine hand, in the fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of thy cattle, and in the fruit of thy land, for good: for the LORD will again rejoice over thee for good, as he rejoiced over thy fathers:

23 PSALMS 85:12 Yea, the LORD shall give [that which is] good; and our land shall yield her increase.

24 Ephesians 6:4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. 1TIMOTHY 5:10 Well reported of for good works; if she have brought up children, if she have lodged strangers, if she have washed the saints’ feet, if she have relieved the afflicted, if she have diligently followed every good work.

25 MATTHEW 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

26 Ps 2:7 . I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou [art] my Son; this day have I begotten thee.

27 COLOSSIANS 3:17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, [do] all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

28 Ps 138:8 The LORD will perfect [that which] concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, [endureth] for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.

29 Isa 44:3 For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring:

30 Isa 44:4 And they shall spring up [as] among the grass, as willows by the water courses.

31 Isa 43:5-7 Fear not: for I [am] with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west; I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth; [Even] every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him

32 Isa 49:25 But thus saith the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children.

33 Pr 11:21 . [Though] hand [join] in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.

34 Isa 54:13 And all thy children [shall be] taught of the LORD; and great [shall be] the peace of thy children.

35 Act 2:17 And it shall be in the last days, saith God, I will pour forth of my Spirit upon all flesh: And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, And your young men shall see visions, And your old men shall dream dreams:

36 1CORINTHIANS 3:9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, [ye are] God’s building.

37 LUKE 10:2 Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly [is] great, but the labourers [are] few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. John 4:36 And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together. 37 And herein is that saying true, One soweth, and another reapeth. 38 I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours.

38 JOHN 15:5 I am the vine, ye [are] the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. JOHN 15:8 Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.

39 MATTHEW 11:30 For my yoke [is] easy, and my burden is light. EXODUS 33:14 And he said, My presence shall go [with thee], and I will give thee rest. EXODUS 14:14 The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.

40 PSALMS 121: 1 A Song of degrees. I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. 2 My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. 3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. 4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. 5 The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. 6 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. 7 The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. 8 The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

41PSALMS 106:23 Therefore he said that he would destroy them, had not Moses his chosen stood before him in the breach, to turn away his wrath, lest he should destroy them.

42 Matthew 6:9-13 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

43 MATTHEW 6:14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:

44 JOHN 14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

45 1JOHN 3:8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

46 Adapted from Ana Mendez Ferrell’s dvd “Deliverance to Captives”, see

47LUKE 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,

48 EPHESIANS 2:6 And hath raised [us] up together, and made [us] sit together in heavenly [places] in Christ Jesus:

49 Adapted from Randy Alcorn’s book “Safely Home”, see


“Worship is the most powerful warfare!” – Sharon Denny, San Antonio Regional Director of Texas Apostolic Prayer Network (TXAPN)

Call His Presence - YouTube

YouTube Playlist

Here is a playlist of a few of my current favorites.  On a prayer call one morning, someone mentioned the song “Rend” by Eddie James.  It sounded intriguing to me, so I looked it up and fell in love with it immediately.  Another song on the same album, though, “Awakening” I feel is God’s call to the church right now.  My grandchildren will attest I love to get in the car and turn it up loud!

So, I encourage you, find some of your favorites on YouTube and turn up the Worship and watch God show up!

You sit as the Holy One. The praises of Israel are your throne.  Psalms 22:3 NCV



The Source of Power

It seems there has been a lot of resistance to the so called “New Apostolic Reformation” and the operation of the gifts, sometimes called the “Charismatic Movement.”  Some people even question the source of gifts such as speaking in tongues, alleging that the manifestations are from the devil or demons.  I think this is a dangerous position in light of Jesus’ warning about blasphemy of the Holy Spirit:

Matthew 12:31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.  32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.
So, if the gift being displayed IS from God through the Holy Spirit, then the voices defaming those gifts may be guilty of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

The other morning while listening to the Daily Audio Bible I felt like the LORD showed me the answer to this issue.  In Exodus 7, God specifically gave Moses and Aaron the sign of having their rod turn into a serpent to confirm that they were sent by God to speak to Pharaoh.  However, after seeing this sign from God, Pharaoh’s magicians were also able to perform the same sign – they threw down their rods and they also became serpents.  Did Pharaoh’s magicians receive this power and authority from God?  No, the Bible says they did it by enchantments.  But, here’s the important part, Moses and Aaron definitely did receive their power and authority to perform this sign from God.  The Bible specifically says so.  This clearly shows that there were two sources of power that manifested a sign that appeared identical to the watchers.  So, how do we know the source of power enabling someone to speak in tongues or manifest another gift or sign?  It seems simple to me in light of:

Matthew 7:9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?  10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?  11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
If I ask God to give me the gift of speaking in tongues, then by faith I accept that I receive that gift from Him.  I trust Him to give me good things and not evil.
Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Of course, in all things we should search the scriptures to verify whether something lines up with the Word of God or not.  This is why it is so important for us to read the Bible, so we can discern truth from lies in all that comes before us to be judged.
May God bless you and keep us all in His Way, Truth and Life!

Praise for Answered Prayer – Thank You, Abba!

My daughter (Cody Rae Esser @maneattractions_bycodyrae) recently moved to Colorado where she has started working in a salon named “Peace. Love. Hair.”. A week or so ago, she called and ask me to pray for new clients for her, since she knows very few people in that area. I remembered years ago my Aunt Sue praying the “Prayer for the Success of a Business” from the “Prayers that Avail Much” book. So, I bought the Kindle commemorative edition of “Prayers that Avail Much” and began to pray the “Prayer for the Success of a Business” for her, myself and others in our family that have businesses.

I was so excited when she called me a couple of days ago to tell me what has happened. One of the stylists in the salon found out she is pregnant and has decided to become a stay at home mom. The owner of the salon said that they would divide her clients between Cody and another girl who started work at Peace. Love. Hair. the same day.

HalleluYah! God is so good! Only He can work things out like this – a win, win, win situation for all involved! Thank You, Abba, for hearing and answering our prayers!