(and probably still is!)
I want to share a song with you. The name of it is “Prayer Warrior” and it is sung by the Prices. I don’t remember the ladies first names, and I can’t find it anywhere online, so I am posting it here so that it can bless you as it has me.
I remember many times when my mother was on this earth and I would get up in the morning to find her with her Bible in her lap praying. The “Prayer Warrior” song touched me so much because of her! When I was younger and in rebellion, I didn’t realize what I was spared because of her prayers. I realize a little now. I will know more in heaven. The first time I heard the song above, I cried my eyes out. It was about her. She was my prayer warrior. She stood in the gap for me and many others.
Now, as I attempt to take up the mantle that she has passed on to me, I am humbled by the godly heritage that God has blessed me with. She was so faithful! I miss her so much and I am so looking forward to seeing her again in heaven!
Please help, me, Abba Father, to be faithful in prayer like my mother!
php? really… asp.net is my choice..
Dear Brenda, Your mama was so there for me. She was so generous with her strength in God. She has been such an encouragement and a help to me.
My grandmother was a prayer warrior, too.
I agree with all you said, it is a blessing to me.
This also reminds me of Dale Nance and Shelly, as well.
My prayers are with you and your children, and I also pray your prayer for me, too.
God be with you, Psalm 91 – Covering you with His Wings,
Love, Ginger